Friday, September 30, 2011

Window 7 and Sony Bravia

So I had a problem. I hadn't hooked up my Sony Bravia(KDL-46Z4100/B) as a monitor since I setup Windows 7. Lo and behold when I hooked it didn't quite work. It used the generic drivers which for me don't do a 1920x1080 resolution. Google search and NVIDIA forum were not helpful. Then I suddenly remembered once before I had been able to set a resolution, which actually didn't work for me, in XP. I found it in the NVIDIA control panel under display and change resolution. I selected customize and voila 1920x1080.

Not really a big deal, but I decide to post this little tidbit for those that find themselves in a similar situation with no help in sight. Or if I forget how to do it again. ;)

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